Michael Louis Scott's Recipes

Ice Tea Recipe

Mocha Frappucinno

Kraft or Anne's Macaroni and Cheese

Michael Louis Scott's Microwave Oven Rice Recipe

Michael Louis Scott's Cajun Spanish Rice

Michael Louis Scott's Coleslaw 

Michael Louis Scott's Tomato meat sauce to spaghetti of linguine

Michael Louis Scott's alfredo sauce and linguine

Michael Scott's Chef's Salad

Michael Scott's Summer Salad

Michael Louis Scott's Spinach Fettuccini Alfredo

Michael Louis Scott's Beef Stew

Michael Louis Scott's Sautéed Hamburger with Onions and Cheese

Michael Louis Scott's Bean Stew

Michael Louis Scott's Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner with burger and onions

Michael Louis Scott's Pork and Beans with Franks

Michael Louis Scott's potato salad

Michael Louis Scott's Chinese pork and vegetable meal on rice

Michael Louis Scott's Burrito Filling

Michael Louis Scott's Egg McMuffins

Michael Louis Scott's Pigs in a Blanket Recipe

Michael Louis Scott's French Onion Soup

Michael Louis Scott's Onion Soup

Michael Louis Scott's Clam Chowder

Michael Louis Scott's homemade salad

Michael Louis Scott's Hummus Recipe

Scott's Homemade Pizza

Fannie Farmer Baking Powder Biscuits updated for Cuisineart Machine with Dough Blade

Michael Louis Scott's Original Hot Sauce Recipe

Michael Louis Scott's Hot Sauce Recipe

Michael Louis Scott's Bouillabaisse Recipe from Joy of Cooking

Scott's Stuffing Recipe

Scott's Arnold Stuffing Recipe

Michael Louis Scott's Asparagus Vinaigrette

Michael Louis Scott's Fresh Pineapple Delight